UK Mainland Free Shipping | Huge Savings

Can I cancel my order?

All orders can be canceled until they are shipped. If your order has been paid and you need to change or cancel it, please contact us within 12 hours.

What is your stance on vegan products?

We support vegan products and vegan lifestyles, but you’ll find that not all products on Bluepoint Deals are vegan. We aim to offer sustainable solutions for all of us eco-warriors, and some of these solutions include using natural ingredients like sustainably sourced beeswax or ethically sourced, non-mulesed wool. That said, we do carry a large range of vegan products that support your lifestyle! Look for the Sustainability Logos on each product page, or type “Vegan” in the search bar!

What payment methods do you accept?

Bluepoint Deals accepts all major credit cards and PayPal

Something arrived damaged/defective. What do I do?

If your items arrive damaged or defective, please email us at with a photo of the issue, a photo of your packing slip, and your order number. Our small team will make it right!

How can I share product feedback?

We love to hear feedback from our community! Scroll down to the bottom of a product’s page to leave your feedback, or email us directly at If you have an issue with your product, please reach out to our team at so that we can remedy any issue you may be experiencing.

Do you charge VAT?

By default, all prices quoted on are in Pounds Sterling and include VAT.

Can I change my order after placing it?

Our small but mighty team works quickly to fulfill your orders as soon as they have been placed. Because of this, we cannot always adjust an order once it has been submitted. If you ever need to adjust your order, email us at with the heading “Order Update” as quickly as possible with your order number and the changes you hope to make. We’ll try our best to make it right for you!

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